The Orange Chair Membership

Members receive a Vintage Orange Chair
when they reach the 7 Figures mark.
Scale your online business to 7 figures
  • Take advantage of the other members of this group to get insights and ideas
    All members have exceeded $20,000/month from their online business.
  • Monthly Group Online Meeting
    Live meeting/webinar covering the most important issues raised by the participants. Q&A
  • Monthly Private Call
    where we discuss your specific business, issues, funnels, ads, etc.
  • 2 Live Working Sessions each year
    These are group working sessions to learn what to do and solve problems stopping you from reaching the 7 figures revenue.
These are in addition of full access to ALL courses and programs.
Priority customer support.

$ 297 / month
You must apply first.

You must comply with the following:
  • You are making $20,000/month since at least 3 months.
  • Your business is an online business like courses, coaching, high-ticket coaching, digital products, online marketing, webinars, membership site.
  • For the time being, it is not something like a shopify store or dropshipping business.
  • ​If you are already a Green member *, your initial 3 months are on us to celebrate reaching the $20,000 threshold. Congrats!
feel free to share
* Green members are members that received coaching or subscribed to
the online courses, newsletter, webinars and have access to the free member area.
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helping Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, SMB Owners and Marketing Executives to market their dream, their mission.
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